Thursday, October 18, 2012

I am a new photographer. Self taught. Striving to learn. This is me.

I am a new photographer. Self taught. Striving to learn. This is me.

My mom was always, and I mean ALWAYS behind the camera. My "favorite" memory was when my brother and I were really young and she wanted the PERFECT Christmas photo (don't we ALL?) and she dressed my brother and I up and took us outside in the middle of the cartoon show we were engrossed in. Of course the photo was of us crying...and is also one of my favs! Because it was us. It was true. Pure.

My mom was diagnosed with Leukemia in 1990. I remember she was asked to take photos at a wedding (she was an amateur herself) and she was so honored. It was hard for her to have to turn this down when she became really sick. She died in 1991 at the age of 41. My brother was 2 and I was just shy of 8. She passed 3 weeks after my birthday. I treasure those photos she captured of us. Those are the memories I cling to.

When I had my first daughter in 2006 I couldn't put my cheap point and shoot camera down. It was horrible quality but I wanted a photo of everything she did. I eventually invested in a better quality camera and even experimented some with editing. I was HOOKED. Suddenly I really felt a connection with my mom and her passion became mine. When people started asking where I got my photos done, I was overwhelmingly flattered. And when they started asking me to take their photos I about fell over with surprise. Unintentionally, a "business" formed from my passion. What should I call it? I wanted to incorporate my mom because I knew this is something she would've loved to have been doing. Her middle name was Kay. I was given her middle name and so was my first born daughter. Tara Kay Photography was without a doubt what I needed to call my "business".

As my clientele has grown, so has my passion. I don't look at things the same. It amazes me that when I drive through town, I don't look at a building as building but rather the "perfect backdrop". I pay more attention than ever to the weather and cross my fingers for overcast days, something that I would've NEVER found myself doing.  Trying hard to balance between my "real" job and my husband and 2 daughters.

I was honored and so very excited to be chosen for Mentor Me 2013 Program. A program I could learn so much by getting the one on one mentoring I needed to really reach my goals and improve my skills. Unfortunately, after a lot of thought (and denial!) I had to turn it down for financial reasons. I hope to be lucky enough to be chosen again, and hopefully maybe for 2014. For now I continue to strive to find my own style and I teach myself in any form I possibly can.

I look back at our crying Christmas photo and it is something that I love to capture myself when I photograph others. I love the challenge of discovering someone's TRUE personality when I have never met them before. That is the joy of being a portrait photographer.

I thank everyone whom as let me be a part of their life in some way, big or small with my photography.

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